Wednesday, April 24, 2013



like the clash, i seemed to have worked my way into a corner, where to go next? start something i'm not real confident about writing or fill in past blogs. i have bits here and there, many in fact, but being true to the clag eartha style there's flow and relevance and a link between the lot. so begins the blog of lynore, a person of person i do not know, but once considered a myspace friend. after accepting my friendship, really enjoyed my little richard blog, that can be found here in an older blog . what i've done here is paste that whole myspace text for all the snoops, snoops ??? scorn flakes to wollongong snoops

it's not aztec, it's not native, it's not african
maybe it's all, but one things for sure and more
 it's lynore galore!!

what is that beauty in yonder mirror breaks?
is it some kind of tinnka¿

with this piece in 1592, you could have brought manhattan isle,
 with maybe n.j. thrown in as a bonus.

yes lynore of some galore, this is i your new + friend, robert. wanting
to thank thee, for thou wise choice. thank you. if you haven't noticed
i put up some comment. i always wanted a friend from new york. why
you? it must be them beady  little eyes, again i jest. in my browsing
i noticed you, you remind me, (in that particular picture) of a
minnie ripperton, joan armatrading or one of those skipping  girls,
you see on the telly. so i had a look, and wallah, you not only
look pretty, you actually do something, very impressive. only one
thing, maybe you should number your photos, so that way people
and you know what piece interests them, go girl.

your friend,
robert may 2008.

Now everybody knows that solium is the wonderful sunlight ingredient contained in one soap, and only one soap, new rinso. But i guess that you want to know what that means to you. Well, here's the story, the United States testing company, an independent laboratory, has tested new rinso with solium, thoroughly, and this is what all of their tests prove.
New rinso with solium will wash clothes, whiter than brand new, make washable colours look brighter than brand new. There you have the scientific facts. No other soap in the world can produce these results, because no other soap contains solium. Now, if i've convinced you to buy just one package of new rinso with solium, then that's enough, your wash day results, will do the rest.

Dear Lynore, I'm somewhat puzzled by your asking about an old newspaper.
Which old newspaper do you mean? Could it be the extree extree? I think not.
Could it be the Little Richard article? I don't know, I'm confused. If it's the Little
Richard, there is a story behind that. It goes something like this. One day,
around 1997, I had to go up town for some reason.
 Now, down here we have a roadside garbage collection, every so often. Stuff
like old pipes, bits of wood, old wares and the like. Well on this particular
day, as I walked up town, I noticed this old greek bloke (man) putting
some stuff out on the curb. As I walked pass I noticed a old 50s  record
player, me being a collector of old record players, thought I'll grab that
later, if it's still there. Not really caring if it was there or not, being a busy
street. Anyways I went up town to do my business, it took awhile, I
walked home a different way. I completely forgot about the record
player, then after awhile I remembered, I thought, I wonder if that bloody
record player is still there, there's only one way to find out, go and have
a look. So off I went up the road again, I was thinking it'll be lucky if it's still
there. Now as I got closer a young dude, a real office type, dressed in a
suit, what I call suits. He was looking at the pile, me thinking he's spotted
the player. As I got closer not knowing if it was still there or not. I could not
believe what happened next, the young suits dude picked up some old bits
of copper pipe and trotted off. To this day I am amazed by this, the
guy obviously had a descent job, there was about 75 cents in scrap, the dry
cleaning bill would have been bigger. Guess what, that's right it was still there,
so I grab the handle and carried it home, a brief description it was them old
box type you see, that open up. As I walked home I noticed it was a bit heavy
and had some other goodies in there. I went to the garage, where I keep other junk.
I opened the box, and there was all these old 50s rock 'n roll records about 30 to 40
in all. I took the records up stairs to check them out. There was Little Richard,
Eddie Cochran, Freddy Cannon and a heap of others, I fell in love with them. For
some unknown reason I became possessed by them. I wanted to know about
them. Now for some unknown reason, I went to the library to check out old newpapers
on the microfilm, I think maybe it was to see my birthdate in the personals of the local rag.
I got the lady to show me how to operate the apparatus, and I was off flying through the news.
It was a speedy machine, zooming and stopping every once and awhile to see what
page and date you were up to. I am not sure whether  my birthdate was on the same reel.
I don't know maybe I was looking for the sputnik, I don't know, but I stopped on a particular
page, now I remember, it was more my conception day what was happening around the time
I was conceived, I am a nutcase, just interested in dumb things, anyway getting back.
I stopped and there was the ad for rock 'n roll show. I went far out, I didn't
know Little Richard played in Wollongong. I didn't know much at that stage.
I'd seen Little Richard on the American Today show, where Bryant Gumble, asked him about
throwing the ring into Sydney Harbour, and that's about all. With the microfilm
machine, you can photocopy the page for 50 cents. so i copied the ad and the next
weeks ad and the next day write up, which is part of my blog on the subject.
I decided to look in the Sydney papers microfilm, to see what they said,
not a mention. That's when I noticed the atomic bomb blast picture, I thought
it's like a figure with wings, like an angel. Another view looks like a face. This
picture can be viewed on my photo's the one behind jimi hendrix, webcam infinity.
A few days forward and it's sputnik. I was amazed. I became more
interested in that time and Little Richard. I read Charles White's book about him.
All them punk years through the eighties, I knew nothing, it was amazing. We
actually had a little concert on that block of land in 1982. I suppose that'll have
to do for now. I hope that's the old newspaper you were talking about. any

may 2008

you see this isn't about a person at all, it's about a text on a usb called lynore. when i first started going on the internet, say 2007, i joined myspace, didn't know much about it really. i used to go to the library and net cafes things, time was short, so i put things on the usb at home and drop them off . i thought i'd carried baggage around too long , things like the little richard story , peel and such. then came the friends bit, their always prompting you look here blah, i wasn't interested in friends locally or even australia , i know this place better than any of them and it's boring egos. i was interested in other places without going anywhere. you know things look better in pictures, but there are magicial times that pictures can't capture. i went all round the place just looking at their prompt, the one thing that stood out at that time, was the infamous mirror pictures , hence the poem, i still think it funny.

the time could not have been stranger for finding that record player. around 97, a bit after the peel tapes. i always believed there  would be the big movement 20 years on from the last , as well as the revival. didn't happen really , or was it windows 98, strange. i see the internet as more of a retreat, tool and a hindrance somewhat to true face to face stuff. it has it's pluses , but is not the big movement that rock 'n roll was, the generation gapper . the internet is more the fragmentaler. the bands i seen at that time, around here anyways, were strum and pedal and the same fucking racket that sends you deaf, there was the occasional treat. i seen a few bands mix and match, some got hot from playing , but couldn't hold it together, others stay together for what reason ??  you tell me.  i think what has been before is still here just the people ain't, maybe that's abundance.

4 october 1957 maralinga
i was in 2 minds on whether to add this, s'pose  it's part of it