Tuesday, April 26, 2016

da vinci code

there is no code.

i thought i'd end it at the beginning, rather than begin it at the end, is there a difference.

when you do a lot of other  things, documentation takes a back seat.

my basic thoughts of the average joe Renaissance dude is they couldn't read or write, just like the average joe iphone user doesn't know how it works.

i wonder if you got this yet. from the other blog , you know i have an interest in making things, ie electronic devices. thus, when making such things i often think of passed people, such da vinci and others. main thoughts are would they be impressed.

i have never seen the da vinci code movie,nor read the book. i have no interest in that. this blog has , as far as i know , nothing to do with them, excepting the title. it's more to do with the works and documentation.

so when you make things, you document them so you don't forget them. documenting can be a kind of short hand , a quick scribble, while  preforming the practical part. not so much a secret code. more like dotting down a bit of theory .

so there you have it. basically, my thinking is, he was doing many things in an unstable environment. so he just dotted down sketchy thinking on a subject, for later remembering and reference. even though accuracy would be the preferred, thinking would be more concentrated on the job at hand.   

you may think i just thought this and just jotted it down. this is not the case, this has already been written awhiles ago, i say awhiles, because your judgment senses think while is a short time, again this is not the case. this setup is done do to time constraints, no real other reason.

that last bit, is about something like chinese  whispers thing. you really have to get things really straight and narrow for dickheads to get it exactly. even then , things get twisted.

i think i've pretty much said what i had to say here , if you want more, then just go to the beginning. 

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