Saturday, December 15, 2018


just to prove i'm still somewhere, i thought i put up a solution for the cube. probably stories about the thing popping into my worldly earthy space, would also be a story of the eighties and the people twirling the thing in the most strangest places. if you could remember that time.

Rubix have a go with my paint time and my interpretation of

 according to wikapedia this is the original colour setup.  since the start of the cube,  colour setup can be different depending on manufactured product.

centre cube - is stationary.  edge cube -  two colours , moved to edge.  corner cube -  3 colours , moved to corner.

i  always thought the cube had been around a lot longer than it actually is. i genuinely thought it was around in the 60's. for some reason it reminded me of them chinese finger torture things, you got in them crappy christmas stockings in the 60's. finger torture, did i hear you say. they were just small matted/platted roll, not many knew what it was. put your finger in either end, easy in , never out. you know what i mean. the time of the cube was slow at first, then it took off. personally, i liked brain teaser things, ie jigsaw puzzles , puzzle rings , mastermind game and that stuff. popular before computers .at that time i was busy doing other stuff , like work and going out. i might/probably got one of them early on, but never got past one side, and there it stood for not done. i went from brain teaser wiz to dumb fuck. too much , too many other things. as time went on, and the popularity grew, and people just took the stickers off and on, saying i done it. not many  people could do it. then came the book/s of how to do it. for me, back then, if you can't do it out right , then why bother, cheating. for those who weren't around then, it was fadtastic, marriages were breaking up, cause husbands spending all their time on the cube and not responsibility.

sometime between 1981 and 1983, i noticed someone had been trying to solve the cube and it was left around the house, like goldilocks. i just thought half your luck. then after a few days, i saw the cube with the middle bit done. i thought i never got that far, must of moved the stickers.

around 1983 we got some new blokes on the railway gang, not really, i seen many come and go during my time there. one chap by the name of john, done that job for a while, maybe a few months. only a short guy, i can still picture him sitting in the truck canopy, his little legs swinging back and forth and twirling his cube. he was a bit of a wiz with it. he asked if someone could twirl it to a hard solution, and he'd figure it out. i said i know a really hard positioned squares , he gave me his cube, i moved two stickers while he wasn't looking. and said here you are, work this out. he twirled for a bit, and said hang on , then got the shits. you don't do that. i said , you said, you wanted a hard solution. i still laugh at that. he was the first cube nut i meet, that's how far it got. he apparently was a piano player, and ended up teaching the piano, i'd see his ad in the paper a few years later.

that reminds of this other person , also a musician, even pictured in them ironworkers photos. he was probably the first person i ever knew who apparently worked the cube out by himself , most probably around 1980, early on in the fad. he was the dux of his school, them type of people seem troubled to me, somehow. he died sometime ago now. as for the cube, i wasn't much interested in the thing. a time after twirly john left. even longer, after a bit of trouble with the shifty job, i was back on the day shift gang doing the hard yakka. we had this old, well old to me then, truck driver.

today, i done the old google on twirly john, he's still tuitaring the piano, it says 30 years at it.  i wonder when was the last time he twirled the rubix. if you think this rubix blog don't fit in with the other blogs, the truck driver may change all that. the trucks were contracted, and the drivers worked for that company, they didn't do no railroad job, just drove us to the job then back to the yard. over them years we had about two handfuls of drivers, we're talking the dayshift gangs.

you know everybody has a story, and this particular truck driver did have some. seeing i was stuck in the dayshift gang, with no really way out. after a time, we got a talking. if i had only known things i've found out latter, very many of. one not really related, was early on doing the platelaying job, at lunch time, we were working close to my grandmothers house. i nearly said to john henry lets go over my grand mothers house, i never did. stuff like that. anyway , the truckdriver had heaps of stories of the early fifties of singing contests and fisticuffs fights. i told him the story of twirly john, he said he figured out the cube on his own.

not long after he was seating in his truck twirling on the cube, this is after the big fad, around 1986. he showed me he could do it, i said, i never got round to figuring it out. next, he brought in a 4 in a row one , he figure that one out too, i don't know where their heads are at. i asked if he could write down a solution. i never thought much about it. but that i showed interest in it. not long after, he brought in some paper with the solution all drawn and instructed. at the time you could get a cube for 10 cent, they were  throwing them away. i picked one up from somewhere, and sat down one night and read the paper and done the thing. his instructions were sort of easier to follow than the book that was released. i actually made a little book out of a tobacco pouch paper, the paper in the middle of a drum  tobacco packet, with the solution in pages in it. i gave it to brain wave at tech in 1995. i've also got in on a floppy disk, an old apple floppy disk. as soon as i figure out how to transfer it to here i will, 

rather than figure out how to transfer from the old floppy disk. i found some old dot matrix print pages of that continuous stuff, stashed away with other brickaty brak pass age. went and scanned it.

with was a mini cube, are these rare now

note ditto, wtf


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