Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ironworkers club

in my life i haven't been a member of many clubs, i think most are louse. i was a member of the ironworkers club, now defunct. i use to take photos in the mid 80's this blog will be some of them photos from then at the ironworkers club.

not sure if this upstairs or down. they moved it down. maybe they renovated after, they did. this band is a concoction of guys from other working type bands, mainly covers, doing clubs and things, this band was called president gas, after the psychedelic furs song. i knew the guitarist  from other earlier bands. i don't remember much of this band.

an early version of the unheard band, i'm surprised this band lasted as long as it has.

every now again you get surprises coming from somewhere. that's rednicks hand on the chair and tobacco, don't know that other joker. i think he's never been amongst weirdos before, that's about 1986 or  later. i hadn't seen red for some years before, he'd just pop in 

that's my leather jacket that fucking shit is wearing, the thing on the front right. i was really tempted to blank the face, but it proves looks are deceiving. what a trouble maker

me and this geezer go back to high school and after, we probably hate each other

not a good look on my behalf, that's a wink by the way. i love the expression on that sheilas face, that's the reason i put this one up, i can see the scar in my eyebrow from the bike crash, otherwise i healed okay.
proton energy pills band

sydney dregs had a so called punk night , i say this was the end of anything. i'd say this was the grunge, when the night was over they broken 17 trays of glasses, just shitheads, whatever gains had come of anything soon went

more sydney dregs, the only band i remember was mass appeal, which i found uninteresting. as you can see this lot ain't really into their bands, couple of wollongong goths back yonder to the left sitting down

i'm sort of embarrassed  by that winking look i did there. this is taken in the upstairs bar. these guys were from up north , thirroul way. you could say to them the ruts, exploited. they didn't know what you're on about. they were into american skate punk at that time they made me feel old, probably right i was getting there.. 

i took an mount of photos from about 84 to 89, these are just some that made it, either by negative transfer or whatever. personally i couldn't give a rats arse about these or that time or place or more than half the people.

these photos might mean something to someone sometime , but they don't mean much to me . i would rather move on. i'd been meaning to put these on the blog for quite a while. the photos that would have been more interesting to me are around 1980 81. these are just the end of that really, last grasp 

just when i thought, that's it, time to think about the next, there's more. like most things when i walk away they tend to finish. i was getting bored with the not saying anything around me all the time. i think i stopped going to the club or it closed. i headed away for a time. when i came back,  the club had been turned into a sort of under 18's venue. i went there once, there was some bands , like members of some detroit bands there. can't remember much.that was a one off type of thing, a kickstart. basically, it was a venue for the youth centre bands to play, no alcohol, it was called tsunami . it never heard that before, someone said it was japanese for tidal wave. i just thought whatever. i didn't think it would last, but it stayed open for some time. i thought it was okay for them youth. it was a hard time 90, 91 92 or so, a lot of shops closed and still. the trouble with all them young bands, they were all uniformed and under control. what i mean is they all learnt the same. so, it was all the same racket with nothing much to say lyrics. i shouldn't really say much about it, they probably enjoyed it, but nothing came out of it, so that's where it failed. with these blogs of mine there tends to be a quirk, spun out , x filey thingy . there's a strange one here as well. when i heard ironworkers built the  trade towers i thought of the club how it was wrecked by them cunts. then 4 years later they had that big tsunami happen, i thought thats weird , even when they were reporting it not many people could say it, let alone know what one was, i knew from that venue. probably nothing anyway just weird.

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